Prime$349 / Month
The only plan you need to get the best out of our tool.
Compatible with all wallets
You will get 80% earnings
Ability to convert all earnings to USDT
Withdraw in less than 24 hours
Real-time logs
Anti-link flag
Over 100 pages (with the ability to add custom pages)
12+ chains supported
Retrieve crypto (ETH, BTC, USDT, BNB, etc.)
Retrieve tokens ($UWU, $DOGE, $FOG, etc.)
Retrieve NFTs (BAYC, Punks, Azuki, etc.)
Anti-bot protection
Basic$199 / Month
Great if you're just getting started and don't have much experience.
Compatible with all wallets
You will get 80% 70% earnings
Withdraw in less than 24 48 hours
Anti-link flag
Over 100 pages (with the ability to add custom pages)
12+ chains supported
Retrieve crypto (ETH, BTC, USDT, BNB, etc.)
Retrieve tokens ($UWU, $DOGE, $FOG, etc.)
Retrieve NFTs (BAYC, Punks, Azuki, etc.)
Anti-bot protection
Ability to convert all earnings to USDT
Real-time logs